Mystic Lotus
Site Map
Basic Buddhism (基本佛教) - Introducing Buddhism (Schools of Buddhism)
- Lion's Roar (Sīhanāda)
- Thought Moment (Citta Vīthi)
- 念佛 (Buddha Chanting)
- Buddhism Queries (Questions on Buddha Dharma)
- Wonder Pilgrimage (Places of Worship)
Basic Course (基本佛學) - Four Noble Truths (四聖諦)
- Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya Atthangika Magga)
- Right Understanding (Sammā Ditthi)
- Right Thought (Sammā Sankappo)
- Right Speech (Sammā Vācā)
- Right Action (Sammā Kammanto)
- Right Livelihood (Sammā Ājīvo)
- Right Effort (Sammā Vāyāmo)
- Right Mindfulness (Sammā Sati)
- Right Concentration (Sammā Samādhi)
- Path of Enlightenment (Nibbana-magga)
- Path of Freedom (Vimutti-magga)
- Path of Purification (Visuddhi-magga)
- Dependent Origination (PATICCA SAMUPPĀDA)
- Bonds (Samyojana)
- 4 Immeasurables (Brahma Vihārās)
- 3 Signs (Ti-lakkhaṇa)
- 31 Realms (The 31 Realms of Existence)
- 5 Hindrances (Pañca Nīvaraṇāni)
- 5 Aggregates (Pañca Khandhās)
- 6 Elements (Pañca Khandhās)
- 4 Bases (Satara Iddhipada)
- 5 Powers (Pañca Indriyāni)
- 7 Factors of Enlightement (Bojjhaṅgā)
- Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Kassapa Thera
(MAHĀ KASSAPA THERA BOJJHANGA) - Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Moggallāna Thera
(MAHĀ MOGGALLĀNA THERA BOJJHANGA) - Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment (related by) Mahā Cunda Thera
- 10 Perfections (Pāramitā)
- 10 Stages (Dasa Bhumika)
- The Stage of Great Delight (Pramudita Bhumi)
- The Spotless Unstained Stage (Vimala Bhumi)
- The Stage of Illumination (Prabhakari Bhumi)
- The Stage of Radiance (Arcismati Bhumi)
- The Stage that is Hard to Surpass (Sudurjaya Bhumi)
- At the Doorstep of Enlightenment Stage (Abhimukhi Bhumi)
- The Going Far Stage (Duramgama Bhumi)
- The Steadfast Immovable Stage (Acala Bhumi)
- The Proficient Thought Stage (Sadhumati Bhumi)
- 10 Merits (Kusala Kammāpatha)
- Karma (因果)
- Abhidhamma (Higher Doctorine)
- Different Type of Consciousness (Citta-Sangaha-Vibhago)
- Mental States (Cetasika)
- Miscellaneous Section (Pakinnakā-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
- Analysis of Thought-Processes
- Process Freed Section (Vīthimutta-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
- Analysis of Matter
- Abhidhamma Categories (Samuccaya-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
- The Compendium Of Relations (Paccaya - Sangaha - Vibhāgo)
- Mental Culture
- Nibbāna (涅槃)
- World Cycles (Kappas)
The Noble Ones (Ariya-puggala) - Siddhārtha Gautama
- Śāriputra
- Maudgalyāyana
- Mahākāśyapa
- Subhūti
- Pūrṇa Maitrāyaniputra
- Mahākātyāyana
- Anuruddha
- Upāli
- Rāhula
- Ānanda
- Amatha Gavesi
- Meditation
- Phra Ajhan Yantra Amaro
- Brief Life Story
- Developing Mindfulness of Buddha
- Learn to Retain Calm
- Contemplating Rising And Falling
- The State of Void
- Building up Confidence
- Morality for Meditation
- Peace is Power
- Love of a Buddha
- The Noble Wealth
- Honesty to Dharma
- Practise Self-Control
- Good and Bad
- Trust in the Law of Karma
- Curing Anger
- A Subtle Way to Fight Mara
- Mantra for the Cessation of Suffering
- Be Mindful While Working
- Life's Work
- Salutation
- Power of Mindfulness
- Short Biography
- Life Story
- God of death never take corruption
- Guide Meditation
- Humanity and Worldly Condltion
- 虛雲
- 惠能
- 菩提達摩 (Bodhi Dharma)
Meditation (禅) - Meditation Instructions (禪經指导)
- Meditation On The Buddha (BUDDHĀNUSSATI)
- Meditation On Loving-Kindness (METTĀNUSSATI)
- Meditation On Death (MARANĀNUSSATI)
- Meditation On The Loathsomeness Of The Body (ASUBHĀNUSSATI)
- Summary Of Four Protective Contemplations (CATURARAKKHA BHĀVANĀ)
- Recollection Of Eight Sorrowful Stages of Life (ATTHA MAHĀ SAMVEGA VATTHU)
- Meditation On The Three Characteristics (TI-LAKKHANA)
- Reflection On The Loss of Loved Ones (PIYEHI VIPPAYOGO)
- The Foundations Of Mindfulness (Mahasatipatthana Sutta)
Chanting (念诵) - Homage (VANDANĀ)
- Offering (PŪJĀ)
- Precepts (SĪLA)
- Paritta Chanting (The Significance of Paritta Chanting)
- Setting In Motion The Wheel Of Truth (DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANA SUTTA)
- Discourse On The Non-self Characteristic (ANATTA-LAKKHANA SUTTA)
- The Fire Discourse (ĀDITTA-PARIYĀYA SUTTA)
- Invitation Chant (ANAVUM PARITTA)
- Protective Chant Of Angulimāla (ANGULIMĀLA PARITTA)
- The Chant On The Enlightenment Factors (BOJJHANGA PARITTA)
- Banner Protection (DHAJAGGA PARITTA)
- Recital For Invoking Victory (JAYA MANGALA PARITTA)
- Protection Of The Aggregates (KHANDHA PARITTA)
- The Peacock’s Prayer For Protection (MORA PARITTA)
- Discourse On The Jewels (RATANA SUTTA)
- Protective Chant Of The Seven Buddhas (SATH BUDU SUTTA)
- SĪvali Protective Chant (SĪVALI PARITTA)
- The Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Bojjhaṅgā)
(Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Kassapa Thera) - MAHĀ MOGGALLĀNA THERA BOJJHANGA
(Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Moggallāna Thera) - MAHĀ CUNDA THERA BOJJHANGA
(Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment (related by) Mahā Cunda Thera)
- Stanzas (Gāthā)
- Stanzas Of Joyous Victory (JAYA MANGALA GĀTHĀ)
- Stanzas Of Great Joyous Victory (MAHĀ JAYA MANGALA GĀTHĀ)
- The Stanzas On The Lion Of Men (NARASĪHA GĀTHĀ)
- Nine Great Virtues Of The Buddha (NAVA GUNA GĀTHĀ)
- Dependent Origination (PATICCA SAMUPPĀDA)
- The Stanzas On The Buddha’s Funerary Pavilion (RANDENE GĀTHĀ)
- Hymn Of Threefold Refuge (SARANATTA-MUPEMI)
- Paean Of Joy (UDĀNA GĀTHĀ)
- Aspiration (Patthanā)
Mantra (真言) - Śūraṅgama Mantra (楞嚴咒)
- Amitabha Buddha Mantra (南無阿彌陀佛)
- Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Mantra (大悲心陀羅尼)
- Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mantra (文殊菩薩心咒)
- Manjushri Bodhisattva Mantra (文殊菩薩心咒)
- Vairocana Buddha Mantra (大日如來心咒 [毗卢遮那佛心咒])
- Om Mani Padme Hum (ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ [唵嘛呢叭𠺗吽])
Sutra (佛经) - The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經)
- Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (妙法蓮華經)
- Introductory
- Skillfulness
- A Parable
- Disposition
- The Parable of the Herbs
- Announcement Of Future Destiny
- The Parable of the Magic City
- The Five Hundred Monks Receive The Prediction Their Destiny
- Announcement Of The Future Destiny Of Ânanda, Rahula, And The Two Thousand Monk
- A Teacher Of The Law
- Exertion
- Peaceful Life
- Issuing Of Bodhisattvas From The Gaps Of The Earth
- Of Piety
- Indication Of The Meritoriousness Of Joyful Acceptance
- The Advantages Of A Religious Preacher
- Spells
- Ancient Devotion
- Śūraṅgama Sūtra (大佛頂首楞嚴經)
- Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (金剛般若波羅蜜多經)
- Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Sutra (觀世音經)
- Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Sutra (大势至菩薩經)
- Manjushri Bodhisattva Sutra (文殊菩薩經)
- Amitabha Buddha Sutra (南無阿彌陀佛)
- Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha (地藏王菩薩)
- Maitreya Bodhisattva Sutra (彌勒菩薩)
Sutta Pitaka (The Basket of Suttas) - Digha Nikaya Sutta (The Long Discourses)
- The Brahmā All-Embracing Net of Views (Brahmajāla Sutta)
- The Fruits of the Ascetic Life (Sāmaññaphala Sutta)
- With Ambaṭṭha (Ambaṭṭha Sutta)
- With Soṇadaṇḍa (Soṇadaṇḍa Sutta)
- With Kūṭadanta (Kūṭadanta Sutta)
- With Mahāli (Mahāli Sutta)
- With Jāliya (Jāliya Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Mahāsīhanāda Sutta)
- With Poṭṭhapāda (Poṭṭhapāda Sutta)
- With Subha (Subha Sutta)
- With Kevaddha (Kevaṭṭa Sutta)
- With Lohicca (Lohicca Sutta)
- The Three Knowledges (Tevijja Sutta)
- The Great Discourse on the Harvest of Deeds (Mahāpadāna Sutta)
- The Great Discourse on Causation (Mahānidāna Sutta)
- The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment (Mahāparinibbāna Sutta)
- King Mahāsudassana (Mahāsudassana Sutta)
- With Janavasabha (Janavasabha Sutta)
- The Great Steward (Mahāgovinda Sutta)
- The Great Congregation (Mahāsamaya Sutta)
- Sakka’s Questions (Sakkapañha Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on Mindfulness Meditation (Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta)
- With Kūṭadanta (Kūṭadanta Sutta)
- About Pāṭikaputta (Pāthika Sutta)
- The Lion’s Roar at Udumbarikā’s Monastery (Udumbarika Sutta)
- The Wheel-Turning Monarch (Cakkavatti Sutta)
- The Origin of the World (Aggañña Sutta)
- Inspiring Confidence (Sampasādanīya Sutta)
- An Impressive Discourse (Pāsādika Sutta)
- The Marks of a Great Man (Lakkhaṇa Sutta)
- Advice to Sigālaka (Siṅgāla Sutta)
- The Āṭānāṭiya Protection (Āṭānāṭiya Sutta)
- Reciting in Concert (Saṅgīti Sutta)
- Up to Ten (Dasuttara Sutta)
- Majjhima Nikaya (The Middle-Length Discourses)
- The Root of All Things (Mūlapariyāya Sutta)
- All the Defilements (Sabbāsava Sutta)
- Heirs in the Teaching (Dhammadāyāda Sutta)
- Fear and Dread (Bhayabherava Sutta)
- Unblemished (Anaṅgaṇa Sutta)
- One Might Wish (Ākaṅkheyya Sutta)
- The Simile of the Cloth (Vatthūpama Sutta)
- Self-Effacement (Sallekha Sutta)
- Right View (Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta)
- Mindfulness Meditation (Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Mahāsīhanāda Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Mass of Suffering (Cūḷadukkhakkhandha Sutta)
- Measuring Up (Anumāna Sutta)
- Emotional Barrenness (Cetokhila Sutta)
- Jungle Thickets (Vanapattha Sutta)
- The Honey-Cake (Madhupiṇḍika Sutta)
- Two Kinds of Thought (Dvedhāvitakka Sutta)
- How to Stop Thinking (Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta)
- The Simile of the Saw (Kakacūpama Sutta)
- The Simile of the Snake (Alagaddūpama Sutta)
- The Ant-Hill (Vammika Sutta)
- Prepared Chariots (Rathavinīta Sutta)
- Fodder (Nivāpa Sutta)
- The Noble Search (Pāsarāsi Sutta)
- The Shorter Elephant’s Footprint Simile (Cūḷahatthipadopama Sutta)
- The Longer Simile of the Elephant’s Footprint (Mahāhatthipadopama Sutta)
- The Longer Simile of the Heartwood (Mahāsāropama Sutta)
- The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood (Cūḷasāropama Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse at Gosiṅga (Cūḷagosiṅga Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse at Gosiṅga (Mahāgosiṅga Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on the Cowherd (Mahāgopālaka Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Cowherd (Cūḷagopālaka Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka (Cūḷasaccaka Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse With Saccaka (Mahāsaccaka Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving (Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving (Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse at Assapura (Mahā-Assapura Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse at Assapura (Cūḷa-Assapura Sutta)
- The People of Sālā (Sāleyyaka Sutta)
- The People of Verañja (Verañjaka Sutta)
- The Great Classification (Mahāvedalla Sutta)
- The Shorter Classification (Cūḷavedalla Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on Taking Up Practices (Cūḷadhammasamādāna Sutta)
- The Great Discourse on Taking Up Practices (Mahādhammasamādāna Sutta)
- The Inquirer (Vīmaṃsaka Sutta)
- The Mendicants of Kosambi (Kosambiya Sutta)
- On the Invitation of Brahmā (Brahmanimantanika Sutta)
- The Rebuke of Māra (Māratajjanīya Sutta)
- With Kandaraka (Kandaraka Sutta)
- The Man From The City Of Aṭṭhaka (Aṭṭhakanāgara Sutta)
- A Trainee (Sekha Sutta)
- With Potaliya the Wanderer (Potaliya Sutta)
- With Jīvaka (Jīvaka Sutta)
- With Upāli (Upāli Sutta)
- The Ascetic Who Behaved Like a Dog (Kukkuravatika Sutta)
- With Prince Abhaya (Abhayarājakumāra Sutta)
- The Many Kinds of Feeling (Bahuvedanīya Sutta)
- Guaranteed (Apaṇṇaka Sutta)
- Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhika (Ambalaṭṭhikārāhulovāda Sutta)
- The Longer Advice to Rāhula (Mahārāhulovāda Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse With Māluṅkya (Cūḷamāluṅkya Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse With Māluṅkya (Mahāmāluṅkya Sutta)
- With Bhaddāli (Bhaddāli Sutta)
- The Simile of the Quail (Laṭukikopama Sutta)
- At Cātumā (Cātumā Sutta)
- At Naḷakapāna (Naḷakapāna Sutta)
- With Gulissāni (Gulissāni Sutta)
- At Kīṭāgiri (Kīṭāgiri Sutta)
- To Vacchagotta on the Three Knowledges (Tevijjavacchagotta Sutta)
- With Vacchagotta on Fire (Aggivacchagotta Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse With Vacchagotta (Mahāvacchagotta Sutta)
- With Dīghanakha (Dīghanakha Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Māgandiya Sutta)
- With Sandaka (Sandaka Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse with Sakuludāyī (Mahāsakuludāyi Sutta)
- With Samaṇamaṇḍikā (Samaṇamaṇḍikā Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse With Sakuludāyī (Cūḷasakuludāyi Sutta)
- With Vekhanasa (Vekhanassa Sutta)
- With Ghaṭikāra (Ghaṭīkāra Sutta)
- With Raṭṭhapāla (Raṭṭhapāla Sutta)
- King Makhādeva (Makhādeva Sutta)
- With Madhurā (Madhurā Sutta)
- With Prince Bodhi (Bodhirājakumāra Sutta)
- With Aṅgulimāla (Aṅgulimāla Sutta)
- Born From the Beloved (Piyajātika Sutta)
- The Imported Cloth (Bāhitika Sutta)
- Shrines to the Teaching (Dhammacetiya Sutta)
- At Kaṇṇakatthala (Kaṇṇakatthala Sutta)
- With Brahmāyu (Brahmāyu Sutta)
- With Brahmāyu (Brahmāyu Sutta)
- With Assalāyana (Assalāyana Sutta)
- With Ghoṭamukha (Ghoṭamukha Sutta)
- With Caṅkī (Caṅkī Sutta)
- With Esukārī (Esukārī Sutta)
- With Dhānañjāni (Dhānañjāni Sutta)
- With Vāseṭṭha (Vāseṭṭha Sutta)
- With Subha (Subha Sutta)
- With Saṅgārava (Saṅgārava Sutta)
- At Devadaha (Devadaha Sutta)
- The Five and Three (Pañcattaya Sutta)
- Is This What You Think Of Me (Kinti Sutta)
- At Sāmagāma (Sāmagāma Sutta)
- With Sunakkhatta (Sunakkhatta Sutta)
- Conducive to the Imperturbable (Āneñjasappāya Sutta)
- With Moggallāna the Accountant (Gaṇakamoggallāna Sutta)
- With Moggallāna the Guardian (Gopakamoggallāna Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night (Mahāpuṇṇama Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on the Full-Moon Night (Cūḷapuṇṇama Sutta)
- One by One (Anupada Sutta)
- The Sixfold Purification (Chabbisodhana Sutta)
- A Good Person (Sappurisa Sutta)
- What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated (Sevitabbāsevitabba Sutta)
- Many Elements (Bahudhātuka Sutta)
- At Isigili (Isigili Sutta)
- The Great Forty (Mahācattārīsaka Sutta)
- Mindfulness of Breathing (Ānāpānasati Sutta)
- Mindfulness of the Body (Kāyagatāsati Sutta)
- Rebirth by Choice (Saṅkhārupapatti Sutta)
- The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness (Cūḷasuññata Sutta)
- The Longer Discourse on Emptiness (Mahāsuññata Sutta)
- Incredible and Amazing (Acchariya-abbhūta Sutta)
- With Bakkula (Bakkula Sutta)
- The Level of the Tamed (Dantabhūmi Sutta)
- With Bhūmija (Bhūmija Sutta)
- With Anuruddha (Anuruddha Sutta)
- Corruptions (Upakkilesa Sutta)
- The Foolish and the Astute (Bālapaṇḍita Sutta)
- Messengers of the Gods (Devadūta Sutta)
- One Fine Night (Bhaddekaratta Sutta)
- Ānanda and One Fine Night (Ānandabhaddekaratta Sutta)
- Mahākaccāna and One Fine Night (Mahākaccānabhaddekaratta Sutta)
- Lomasakaṅgiya and One Fine Night (Lomasakaṅgiyabhaddekaratta Sutta)
- The Shorter Analysis of Deeds (Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Longer Analysis of Deeds (Mahākammavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields (Saḷāyatanavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of a Recitation Passage (Uddesavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of Non-Conflict (Araṇavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of the Elements (Dhātuvibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of the Truths (Saccavibhaṅga Sutta)
- The Analysis of Religious Donations (Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga Sutta)
- Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika (Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta)
- Advice to Channa (Channovāda Sutta)
- Advice to Puṇṇa (Puṇṇovāda Sutta)
- Advice to Nandakovāda (Nandaka Sutta)
- The Shorter Advice to Rāhula (Cūḷarāhulovāda Sutta)
- Six By Six (Chachakka Sutta)
- The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields (Mahāsaḷāyatanika Sutta)
- With the People of Nagaravinda (Nagaravindeyya Sutta)
- The Purification of Alms (Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi Sutta)
- The Development of the Faculties (Indriyabhāvanā Sutta)
- Dhammapada (DHAMMA VERSES)
- Heedfulness (Appamàda Vagga)
- The Worthy (Arahanta Vagga)
- The Self (Atta Vagga)
- Fools (Bàla Vagga)
- The Bhikkhu Or The Mendicant (Bhikkhu Vagga)
- The Bràhmana (Bràhmana Vagga)
- The Buddha (Buddha Vagga)
- Mind (Citta Vagga)
- The Rod Or Punishment (Danda Vagga)
- The Just Or Righteous (Dhammaññha Vagga)
- Old Age (Jara Vagga)
- Anger (Kodha Vagga)
- The World (Loka Vagga)
- The Way Or The Path (Magga Vagga)
- Impurities Or Taints (Mala Vagga)
- The Elephant (Nàga Vagga)
- Woeful State (Niraya Vagga)
- Evil (Pàpa Vagga)
- Miscellaneous (Pakinnaka Vagga)
- The Wise (Pandita Vagga)
- Affection (Piya Vagga)
- Flowers (Puppha Vagga)
- Thousands (Sahassa Vagga)
- Happiness (Sukha Vagga)
- Craving (Tanha Vagga)
- The Pairs (Yamaka Vagga)
