

Mystic Lotus

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Basic Buddhism (基本佛教)
  1. Introducing Buddhism (Schools of Buddhism)
  2. Lion's Roar (Sīhanāda)
  3. Thought Moment (Citta Vīthi)
  4. 念佛 (Buddha Chanting)
  5. Buddhism Queries (Questions on Buddha Dharma)
  6. Wonder Pilgrimage (Places of Worship)

Basic Course (基本佛學)
  1. Four Noble Truths (四聖諦)
  2. Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya Atthangika Magga)
    1. Right Understanding (Sammā Ditthi)
    2. Right Thought (Sammā Sankappo)
    3. Right Speech (Sammā Vācā)
    4. Right Action (Sammā Kammanto)
    5. Right Livelihood (Sammā Ājīvo)
    6. Right Effort (Sammā Vāyāmo)
    7. Right Mindfulness (Sammā Sati)
    8. Right Concentration (Sammā Samādhi)
    1. Path of Enlightenment (Nibbana-magga)
    2. Path of Freedom (Vimutti-magga)
    3. Path of Purification (Visuddhi-magga)
  3. Dependent Origination (PATICCA SAMUPPĀDA)
  4. Bonds (Samyojana)
  5. 4 Immeasurables (Brahma Vihārās)
  6. 3 Signs (Ti-lakkhaṇa)
  7. 31 Realms (The 31 Realms of Existence)
  8. 5 Hindrances (Pañca Nīvaraṇāni)
  9. 5 Aggregates (Pañca Khandhās)
  10. 6 Elements (Pañca Khandhās)
  11. 4 Bases (Satara Iddhipada)
  12. 5 Powers (Pañca Indriyāni)
  13. 7 Factors of Enlightement (Bojjhaṅgā)
    1. Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Kassapa Thera
    2. Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Moggallāna Thera
    3. Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment (related by) Mahā Cunda Thera
  14. 10 Perfections (Pāramitā)
  15. 10 Stages (Dasa Bhumika)
    1. The Stage of Great Delight (Pramudita Bhumi)
    2. The Spotless Unstained Stage (Vimala Bhumi)
    3. The Stage of Illumination (Prabhakari Bhumi)
    4. The Stage of Radiance (Arcismati Bhumi)
    5. The Stage that is Hard to Surpass (Sudurjaya Bhumi)
    6. At the Doorstep of Enlightenment Stage (Abhimukhi Bhumi)
    7. The Going Far Stage (Duramgama Bhumi)
    8. The Steadfast Immovable Stage (Acala Bhumi)
    9. The Proficient Thought Stage (Sadhumati Bhumi)
  16. 10 Merits (Kusala Kammāpatha)
  17. Karma (因果)
  18. Abhidhamma (Higher Doctorine)
    1. Different Type of Consciousness (Citta-Sangaha-Vibhago)
    2. Mental States (Cetasika)
    3. Miscellaneous Section (Pakinnakā-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
    4. Analysis of Thought-Processes
    5. Process Freed Section (Vīthimutta-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
    6. Analysis of Matter
    7. Abhidhamma Categories (Samuccaya-Sangaha-Vibhāgo)
    8. The Compendium Of Relations (Paccaya - Sangaha - Vibhāgo)
    9. Mental Culture
  19. Nibbāna (涅槃)
  20. World Cycles (Kappas)

The Noble Ones (Ariya-puggala)
  1. Siddhārtha Gautama
    1. Śāriputra
    2. Maudgalyāyana
    3. Mahākāśyapa
    4. Subhūti
    5. Pūrṇa Maitrāyaniputra
    6. Mahākātyāyana
    7. Anuruddha
    8. Upāli
    9. Rāhula
    10. Ānanda
  2. Amatha Gavesi
    1. Meditation
  3. Phra Ajhan Yantra Amaro
    1. Brief Life Story
    2. Developing Mindfulness of Buddha
    3. Learn to Retain Calm
    4. Contemplating Rising And Falling
    5. The State of Void
    6. Building up Confidence
    7. Morality for Meditation
    8. Peace is Power
    9. Love of a Buddha
    10. The Noble Wealth
    11. Honesty to Dharma
    12. Practise Self-Control
    13. Good and Bad
    14. Trust in the Law of Karma
    15. Curing Anger
    16. A Subtle Way to Fight Mara
    17. Mantra for the Cessation of Suffering
    18. Be Mindful While Working
    19. Life's Work
    20. Salutation
    21. Power of Mindfulness
    22. Short Biography
    23. Life Story
    24. God of death never take corruption
    25. Guide Meditation
    26. Humanity and Worldly Condltion
  4. 虛雲
  5. 惠能
  6. 菩提達摩 (Bodhi Dharma)

Meditation ()
  1. Meditation Instructions (禪經指导)
  2. Meditation On The Buddha (BUDDHĀNUSSATI)
  3. Meditation On Loving-Kindness (METTĀNUSSATI)
  4. Meditation On Death (MARANĀNUSSATI)
  5. Meditation On The Loathsomeness Of The Body (ASUBHĀNUSSATI)
  6. Summary Of Four Protective Contemplations (CATURARAKKHA BHĀVANĀ)
  7. Recollection Of Eight Sorrowful Stages of Life (ATTHA MAHĀ SAMVEGA VATTHU)
  8. Meditation On The Three Characteristics (TI-LAKKHANA)
  9. Reflection On The Loss of Loved Ones (PIYEHI VIPPAYOGO)
  10. The Foundations Of Mindfulness (Mahasatipatthana Sutta)

Chanting (念诵)
  1. Homage (VANDANĀ)
  2. Offering (PŪJĀ)
  3. Precepts (SĪLA)
  4. Paritta Chanting (The Significance of Paritta Chanting)
    1. Setting In Motion The Wheel Of Truth (DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANA SUTTA)
    2. Discourse On The Non-self Characteristic (ANATTA-LAKKHANA SUTTA)
    3. The Fire Discourse (ĀDITTA-PARIYĀYA SUTTA)
    4. Invitation Chant (ANAVUM PARITTA)
    5. Protective Chant Of Angulimāla (ANGULIMĀLA PARITTA)
    6. The Chant On The Enlightenment Factors (BOJJHANGA PARITTA)
    7. Banner Protection (DHAJAGGA PARITTA)
    8. Recital For Invoking Victory (JAYA MANGALA PARITTA)
    9. Protection Of The Aggregates (KHANDHA PARITTA)
    10. The Peacock’s Prayer For Protection (MORA PARITTA)
    11. Discourse On The Jewels (RATANA SUTTA)
    12. Protective Chant Of The Seven Buddhas (SATH BUDU SUTTA)
    13. SĪvali Protective Chant (SĪVALI PARITTA)
  5. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment (Bojjhaṅgā)
      (Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Kassapa Thera)
      (Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment To Mahā Moggallāna Thera)
      (Discourse On Factors Of Enlightenment (related by) Mahā Cunda Thera)
  6. Stanzas (Gāthā)
    1. Stanzas Of Joyous Victory (JAYA MANGALA GĀTHĀ)
    2. Stanzas Of Great Joyous Victory (MAHĀ JAYA MANGALA GĀTHĀ)
    3. The Stanzas On The Lion Of Men (NARASĪHA GĀTHĀ)
    4. Nine Great Virtues Of The Buddha (NAVA GUNA GĀTHĀ)
    5. Dependent Origination (PATICCA SAMUPPĀDA)
    6. The Stanzas On The Buddha’s Funerary Pavilion (RANDENE GĀTHĀ)
    7. Hymn Of Threefold Refuge (SARANATTA-MUPEMI)
    8. Paean Of Joy (UDĀNA GĀTHĀ)
  7. Aspiration (Patthanā)

Mantra (真言)
  1. Śūraṅgama Mantra (楞嚴咒)
  2. Amitabha Buddha Mantra (南無阿彌陀佛)
  3. Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Mantra (大悲心陀羅尼)
  4. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mantra (文殊菩薩心咒)
  5. Manjushri Bodhisattva Mantra (文殊菩薩心咒)
  6. Vairocana Buddha Mantra (大日如來心咒 [毗卢遮那佛心咒])
  7. Om Mani Padme Hum (ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ [唵嘛呢叭𠺗吽])

Sutra (佛经)
  1. The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經)
  2. Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (妙法蓮華經)
    1. Introductory
    2. Skillfulness
    3. A Parable
    4. Disposition
    5. The Parable of the Herbs
    6. Announcement Of Future Destiny
    7. The Parable of the Magic City
    8. The Five Hundred Monks Receive The Prediction Their Destiny
    9. Announcement Of The Future Destiny Of Ânanda, Rahula, And The Two Thousand Monk
    10. A Teacher Of The Law
    12. Exertion
    13. Peaceful Life
    14. Issuing Of Bodhisattvas From The Gaps Of The Earth
    16. Of Piety
    17. Indication Of The Meritoriousness Of Joyful Acceptance
    18. The Advantages Of A Religious Preacher
    21. Spells
    25. Ancient Devotion
  3. Śūraṅgama Sūtra (大佛頂首楞嚴經)
  4. Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (金剛般若波羅蜜多經)
  5. Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Sutra (觀世音經)
  6. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Sutra (大势至菩薩經)
  7. Manjushri Bodhisattva Sutra (文殊菩薩經)
  8. Amitabha Buddha Sutra (南無阿彌陀佛)
  9. Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha (地藏王菩薩)
  10. Maitreya Bodhisattva Sutra (彌勒菩薩)

Sutta Pitaka (The Basket of Suttas)
  1. Digha Nikaya Sutta (The Long Discourses)
    1. The Brahmā All-Embracing Net of Views (Brahmajāla Sutta)
    2. The Fruits of the Ascetic Life (Sāmaññaphala Sutta)
    3. With Ambaṭṭha (Ambaṭṭha Sutta)
    4. With Soṇadaṇḍa (Soṇadaṇḍa Sutta)
    5. With Kūṭadanta (Kūṭadanta Sutta)
    6. With Mahāli (Mahāli Sutta)
    7. With Jāliya (Jāliya Sutta)
    8. The Longer Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Mahāsīhanāda Sutta)
    9. With Poṭṭhapāda (Poṭṭhapāda Sutta)
    10. With Subha (Subha Sutta)
    11. With Kevaddha (Kevaṭṭa Sutta)
    12. With Lohicca (Lohicca Sutta)
    13. The Three Knowledges (Tevijja Sutta)
    14. The Great Discourse on the Harvest of Deeds (Mahāpadāna Sutta)
    15. The Great Discourse on Causation (Mahānidāna Sutta)
    16. The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment (Mahāparinibbāna Sutta)
    17. King Mahāsudassana (Mahāsudassana Sutta)
    18. With Janavasabha (Janavasabha Sutta)
    19. The Great Steward (Mahāgovinda Sutta)
    20. The Great Congregation (Mahāsamaya Sutta)
    21. Sakka’s Questions (Sakkapañha Sutta)
    22. The Longer Discourse on Mindfulness Meditation (Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta)
    23. With Kūṭadanta (Kūṭadanta Sutta)
    24. About Pāṭikaputta (Pāthika Sutta)
    25. The Lion’s Roar at Udumbarikā’s Monastery (Udumbarika Sutta)
    26. The Wheel-Turning Monarch (Cakkavatti Sutta)
    27. The Origin of the World (Aggañña Sutta)
    28. Inspiring Confidence (Sampasādanīya Sutta)
    29. An Impressive Discourse (Pāsādika Sutta)
    30. The Marks of a Great Man (Lakkhaṇa Sutta)
    31. Advice to Sigālaka (Siṅgāla Sutta)
    32. The Āṭānāṭiya Protection (Āṭānāṭiya Sutta)
    33. Reciting in Concert (Saṅgīti Sutta)
    34. Up to Ten (Dasuttara Sutta)
  2. Majjhima Nikaya (The Middle-Length Discourses)
    1. The Root of All Things (Mūlapariyāya Sutta)
    2. All the Defilements (Sabbāsava Sutta)
    3. Heirs in the Teaching (Dhammadāyāda Sutta)
    4. Fear and Dread (Bhayabherava Sutta)
    5. Unblemished (Anaṅgaṇa Sutta)
    6. One Might Wish (Ākaṅkheyya Sutta)
    7. The Simile of the Cloth (Vatthūpama Sutta)
    8. Self-Effacement (Sallekha Sutta)
    9. Right View (Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta)
    10. Mindfulness Meditation (Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta)
    11. The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta)
    12. The Longer Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Mahāsīhanāda Sutta)
    13. The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta)
    14. The Shorter Discourse on the Mass of Suffering (Cūḷadukkhakkhandha Sutta)
    15. Measuring Up (Anumāna Sutta)
    16. Emotional Barrenness (Cetokhila Sutta)
    17. Jungle Thickets (Vanapattha Sutta)
    18. The Honey-Cake (Madhupiṇḍika Sutta)
    19. Two Kinds of Thought (Dvedhāvitakka Sutta)
    20. How to Stop Thinking (Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta)
    21. The Simile of the Saw (Kakacūpama Sutta)
    22. The Simile of the Snake (Alagaddūpama Sutta)
    23. The Ant-Hill (Vammika Sutta)
    24. Prepared Chariots (Rathavinīta Sutta)
    25. Fodder (Nivāpa Sutta)
    26. The Noble Search (Pāsarāsi Sutta)
    27. The Shorter Elephant’s Footprint Simile (Cūḷahatthipadopama Sutta)
    28. The Longer Simile of the Elephant’s Footprint (Mahāhatthipadopama Sutta)
    29. The Longer Simile of the Heartwood (Mahāsāropama Sutta)
    30. The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood (Cūḷasāropama Sutta)
    31. The Shorter Discourse at Gosiṅga (Cūḷagosiṅga Sutta)
    32. The Longer Discourse at Gosiṅga (Mahāgosiṅga Sutta)
    33. The Longer Discourse on the Cowherd (Mahāgopālaka Sutta)
    34. The Shorter Discourse on the Cowherd (Cūḷagopālaka Sutta)
    35. The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka (Cūḷasaccaka Sutta)
    36. The Longer Discourse With Saccaka (Mahāsaccaka Sutta)
    37. The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving (Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta)
    38. The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving (Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta)
    39. The Longer Discourse at Assapura (Mahā-Assapura Sutta)
    40. The Shorter Discourse at Assapura (Cūḷa-Assapura Sutta)
    41. The People of Sālā (Sāleyyaka Sutta)
    42. The People of Verañja (Verañjaka Sutta)
    43. The Great Classification (Mahāvedalla Sutta)
    44. The Shorter Classification (Cūḷavedalla Sutta)
    45. The Shorter Discourse on Taking Up Practices (Cūḷadhammasamādāna Sutta)
    46. The Great Discourse on Taking Up Practices (Mahādhammasamādāna Sutta)
    47. The Inquirer (Vīmaṃsaka Sutta)
    48. The Mendicants of Kosambi (Kosambiya Sutta)
    49. On the Invitation of Brahmā (Brahmanimantanika Sutta)
    50. The Rebuke of Māra (Māratajjanīya Sutta)
    51. With Kandaraka (Kandaraka Sutta)
    52. The Man From The City Of Aṭṭhaka (Aṭṭhakanāgara Sutta)
    53. A Trainee (Sekha Sutta)
    54. With Potaliya the Wanderer (Potaliya Sutta)
    55. With Jīvaka (Jīvaka Sutta)
    56. With Upāli (Upāli Sutta)
    57. The Ascetic Who Behaved Like a Dog (Kukkuravatika Sutta)
    58. With Prince Abhaya (Abhayarājakumāra Sutta)
    59. The Many Kinds of Feeling (Bahuvedanīya Sutta)
    60. Guaranteed (Apaṇṇaka Sutta)
    61. Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhika (Ambalaṭṭhikārāhulovāda Sutta)
    62. The Longer Advice to Rāhula (Mahārāhulovāda Sutta)
    63. The Shorter Discourse With Māluṅkya (Cūḷamāluṅkya Sutta)
    64. The Longer Discourse With Māluṅkya (Mahāmāluṅkya Sutta)
    65. With Bhaddāli (Bhaddāli Sutta)
    66. The Simile of the Quail (Laṭukikopama Sutta)
    67. At Cātumā (Cātumā Sutta)
    68. At Naḷakapāna (Naḷakapāna Sutta)
    69. With Gulissāni (Gulissāni Sutta)
    70. At Kīṭāgiri (Kīṭāgiri Sutta)
    71. To Vacchagotta on the Three Knowledges (Tevijjavacchagotta Sutta)
    72. With Vacchagotta on Fire (Aggivacchagotta Sutta)
    73. The Longer Discourse With Vacchagotta (Mahāvacchagotta Sutta)
    74. With Dīghanakha (Dīghanakha Sutta)
    75. The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (Māgandiya Sutta)
    76. With Sandaka (Sandaka Sutta)
    77. The Longer Discourse with Sakuludāyī (Mahāsakuludāyi Sutta)
    78. With Samaṇamaṇḍikā (Samaṇamaṇḍikā Sutta)
    79. The Shorter Discourse With Sakuludāyī (Cūḷasakuludāyi Sutta)
    80. With Vekhanasa (Vekhanassa Sutta)
    81. With Ghaṭikāra (Ghaṭīkāra Sutta)
    82. With Raṭṭhapāla (Raṭṭhapāla Sutta)
    83. King Makhādeva (Makhādeva Sutta)
    84. With Madhurā (Madhurā Sutta)
    85. With Prince Bodhi (Bodhirājakumāra Sutta)
    86. With Aṅgulimāla (Aṅgulimāla Sutta)
    87. Born From the Beloved (Piyajātika Sutta)
    88. The Imported Cloth (Bāhitika Sutta)
    89. Shrines to the Teaching (Dhammacetiya Sutta)
    90. At Kaṇṇakatthala (Kaṇṇakatthala Sutta)
    91. With Brahmāyu (Brahmāyu Sutta)
    92. With Brahmāyu (Brahmāyu Sutta)
    93. With Assalāyana (Assalāyana Sutta)
    94. With Ghoṭamukha (Ghoṭamukha Sutta)
    95. With Caṅkī (Caṅkī Sutta)
    96. With Esukārī (Esukārī Sutta)
    97. With Dhānañjāni (Dhānañjāni Sutta)
    98. With Vāseṭṭha (Vāseṭṭha Sutta)
    99. With Subha (Subha Sutta)
    100. With Saṅgārava (Saṅgārava Sutta)
    101. At Devadaha (Devadaha Sutta)
    102. The Five and Three (Pañcattaya Sutta)
    103. Is This What You Think Of Me (Kinti Sutta)
    104. At Sāmagāma (Sāmagāma Sutta)
    105. With Sunakkhatta (Sunakkhatta Sutta)
    106. Conducive to the Imperturbable (Āneñjasappāya Sutta)
    107. With Moggallāna the Accountant (Gaṇakamoggallāna Sutta)
    108. With Moggallāna the Guardian (Gopakamoggallāna Sutta)
    109. The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night (Mahāpuṇṇama Sutta)
    110. The Shorter Discourse on the Full-Moon Night (Cūḷapuṇṇama Sutta)
    111. One by One (Anupada Sutta)
    112. The Sixfold Purification (Chabbisodhana Sutta)
    113. A Good Person (Sappurisa Sutta)
    114. What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated (Sevitabbāsevitabba Sutta)
    115. Many Elements (Bahudhātuka Sutta)
    116. At Isigili (Isigili Sutta)
    117. The Great Forty (Mahācattārīsaka Sutta)
    118. Mindfulness of Breathing (Ānāpānasati Sutta)
    119. Mindfulness of the Body (Kāyagatāsati Sutta)
    120. Rebirth by Choice (Saṅkhārupapatti Sutta)
    121. The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness (Cūḷasuññata Sutta)
    122. The Longer Discourse on Emptiness (Mahāsuññata Sutta)
    123. Incredible and Amazing (Acchariya-abbhūta Sutta)
    124. With Bakkula (Bakkula Sutta)
    125. The Level of the Tamed (Dantabhūmi Sutta)
    126. With Bhūmija (Bhūmija Sutta)
    127. With Anuruddha (Anuruddha Sutta)
    128. Corruptions (Upakkilesa Sutta)
    129. The Foolish and the Astute (Bālapaṇḍita Sutta)
    130. Messengers of the Gods (Devadūta Sutta)
    131. One Fine Night (Bhaddekaratta Sutta)
    132. Ānanda and One Fine Night (Ānandabhaddekaratta Sutta)
    133. Mahākaccāna and One Fine Night (Mahākaccānabhaddekaratta Sutta)
    134. Lomasakaṅgiya and One Fine Night (Lomasakaṅgiyabhaddekaratta Sutta)
    135. The Shorter Analysis of Deeds (Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta)
    136. The Longer Analysis of Deeds (Mahākammavibhaṅga Sutta)
    137. The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields (Saḷāyatanavibhaṅga Sutta)
    138. The Analysis of a Recitation Passage (Uddesavibhaṅga Sutta)
    139. The Analysis of Non-Conflict (Araṇavibhaṅga Sutta)
    140. The Analysis of the Elements (Dhātuvibhaṅga Sutta)
    141. The Analysis of the Truths (Saccavibhaṅga Sutta)
    142. The Analysis of Religious Donations (Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga Sutta)
    143. Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika (Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta)
    144. Advice to Channa (Channovāda Sutta)
    145. Advice to Puṇṇa (Puṇṇovāda Sutta)
    146. Advice to Nandakovāda (Nandaka Sutta)
    147. The Shorter Advice to Rāhula (Cūḷarāhulovāda Sutta)
    148. Six By Six (Chachakka Sutta)
    149. The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields (Mahāsaḷāyatanika Sutta)
    150. With the People of Nagaravinda (Nagaravindeyya Sutta)
    151. The Purification of Alms (Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi Sutta)
    152. The Development of the Faculties (Indriyabhāvanā Sutta)
  3. Dhammapada (DHAMMA VERSES)
    1. Heedfulness (Appamàda Vagga)
    2. The Worthy (Arahanta Vagga)
    3. The Self (Atta Vagga)
    4. Fools (Bàla Vagga)
    5. The Bhikkhu Or The Mendicant (Bhikkhu Vagga)
    6. The Bràhmana (Bràhmana Vagga)
    7. The Buddha (Buddha Vagga)
    8. Mind (Citta Vagga)
    9. The Rod Or Punishment (Danda Vagga)
    10. The Just Or Righteous (Dhammaññha Vagga)
    11. Old Age (Jara Vagga)
    12. Anger (Kodha Vagga)
    13. The World (Loka Vagga)
    14. The Way Or The Path (Magga Vagga)
    15. Impurities Or Taints (Mala Vagga)
    16. The Elephant (Nàga Vagga)
    17. Woeful State (Niraya Vagga)
    18. Evil (Pàpa Vagga)
    19. Miscellaneous (Pakinnaka Vagga)
    20. The Wise (Pandita Vagga)
    21. Affection (Piya Vagga)
    22. Flowers (Puppha Vagga)
    23. Thousands (Sahassa Vagga)
    24. Happiness (Sukha Vagga)
    25. Craving (Tanha Vagga)
    26. The Pairs (Yamaka Vagga)